I think Astro could finally help leaders identify where to get IFS help. As the leader of the firm's in-house creative agency, I asked Astro "Where do I get Creative help?" and "How do I find a designer for my project?" There were no useful results. Same when I asked about off-shore support and SDCs.
Hi Scott,
This document from Spark seems to
be the Rosetta Stone for what I was thinking. At least it's a good starting
*Jack Teuber*
PwC | Creative Leader
Mobile: +1 (914) 980-7192
Email: jack.teuber@pwc.com
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
300 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10017
On Tue, Dec 17, 2019 at 9:06 AM Astro - Your tomorrow���s digital enablement
initiative <774d3fca67342d44c115cc3e-pwc@iad-prod1.mailer.aha.io> wrote:
Hi Jack! Thank you for your idea! We will review this idea!