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Inform Partners on a Geography (Market, Cities) ‘State of the Union’ / KPIs

Use Case - Geography (Market, Cities) ‘State of the Union’ / KPIs
Audience - MMP/OMP, Partners in cities
Entity - City (Seattle, Portland) rolling into Market (Northwest) into Mega-Market (Bay Area & Northwest)
Standard queries
1.  “Tell me how Seattle has performed this year as compared to last year”
2.  “Tell me how how big Seattle is”
3.  “What is the size of our Portland office”
4.  “I just joined the Seattle office, tell me more about it”
  • Guest
  • Oct 8 2019
  • Future Consideration
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    January 10, 2020 21:36

    In the same line of 'geo mapping' I'd like to ask ASTRO which market a city is mapped to,   i.e. Q: Which market is Cleveland in? Response:  Cleveland is in the Midwest market.